
Year 9 Options

Y9 Options 2018-19

In order to gauge the possible options for your GCSEs and therefore the best fit for option blocks, could you please indicate your choices in the options below. You will not be asked about Maths, English and the language option as these are set. 

This is NOT your options application and will not be held as a decision. 

Science option

GCSE Science and additional Science (2 GCSEs)

Triple Science (3 GCSEs)*

*This will require you to take Science in Option X)




Religious Education



D&T (Electronics) D&T (Graphic Products)

D&T (Textiles) D&T (Resistant Materials)

Computing Food Nutrition and Preparation


Option 1 Option 2

Art & Design Art & Design

Business Studies Business Studies

Geography* Psychology

Physical Education History*

Triple Science Music

Drama Religious Education*



Please note: 

*Students can only study 2 subjects from RE, History and Geography