
Careers Information

A diverse careers education and guidance offer

SGLogo No NameWe are extremely proud of the careers education, information and guidance that students receive at Sale Grammar School; there is no tension between both academic and personal development in our school, and we are acutely aware of the need to educate our students to achieve their potential and develop character traits that will benefit them in their chosen careers. Please click here to view the Careers Strategy Statement. 

The learning journey for the majority of our students takes them from Year 7 to Year 13, and on to university undergraduate courses. Whilst this requires our guidance at each Key Stage to be effective in shaping student choices for their next stage of learning, the strength of our school community comes through understandiUntitled 1ng that all students require equality in support, and through expertly planned careers delivery in both Year 11 and Year 12 and 13, students are comprehensively educated in relation to all options available to them. For some this involves a move to a further education college, for some a journey into a work-based apprenticeship, and for others training in the workplace with a training provider.

We believe that our careers provision provides all of our students with the necessary skills and education to the make the very best choices about their future, and we strongly believe that our character education at Sale Grammar School will equip them with the virtues and skills to flourish in their lifelong careers.

Careers education, information and guidance throughout the school is co-ordinated by Mr Caird  who can be contacted by email or telephone 0161 973 3217.  Please also contact Mr Caird if you require any further information about our careers programme.

We are passionate about providing meaningful employer encounters for our students to help them better understand how their curriculum links into future career opportunities. If you feel you can offer anything which will help enhance our students ambitions or learning opportunities, please get in touch by clicking the link here and sending a message to careers.

Baker Clause


This statement sets out Sale Grammar School’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the School for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education act 1997 (the ‘Baker Clause’).

Student entitlement

 Students are entitled:

• To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.

• To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through different events, open evening events, careers evening

• To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

Management of Provider Access requests.

Any provider wishing to request access to the school should contact


Years 7 and 8

Students in Years 7 and 8 explore the world of work through their Skills for Life Curriculum. Year 7 Students take part in our Enterprise Challenge, where they cover topics such as; enterprise, how to write a business plan and how to effectively deliver a pitch.

Year 8 students get an in introduction to the world of work as it relates to young people and an introduction to Unifrog, a digital platform designed to help students make more informed study and career choices at key moments of choice and transition.

Year 9

In Year 9 a great deal of the careers education, advice and guidance is linked to GCSE option choices. Students decide on their option choices by March of Year 9, and throughout the course of the year they work with both Form Tutors and teachers in arriving at their final decision. Time is spent in Skills for Life lessons discussing personal qualities, interests and goals which help students make decisions. Students also use Unifrog to build a picture of their career aspirations and subject choices, as well as to start to evidence an understanding of key employability skills. Students are given the opportunity to meet with the Connexions Advisor through their year group assembly, and also have the opportunity to do so in Skills for Life lessons and through small group work.  Parents and carers are invited to the school to discuss GCSE options and the Connexions Advisor is available to discuss options at this event and also at Parents' Evening.

Year 10

Year 10 students complete a Work Experience Placement in June. This is organised by students and school and is run through Our Futures.  Students learn a wide range of transferable skills, enhance their self-reliance and become more confident. They experience the disciplines of going to work and a daily work routine and as a result, are able to make more informed careers choices. Year 10 students also take part in Enterprise Day, a bespoke day built around careers education, and the development of both employability and entrepreneurial skills

Year 11

Year 11 students are given extensive support on Post-16 options through a diverse careers programme. Students and parents are invited to attend a Post-16 Careers Information Evening in October, where presentations are given on A Levels, Vocational Qualifications and Apprenticeships. In October, the school holds a Post-16 Information Evening where faculties deliver presentations about their subject area and A Level specifications. We also ask Year 12 and 13 students to talk with Year 11 students about what Sale Grammar Sixth Form is like and give presentations about new subjects at A Level.

All Year 11 students have an individual interview with the Connexions Advisor in the first term and follow up interviews can be made through their Head of Progress and Learning. Indeed, Year 11 students are able to drop into informal lunch time sessions with the Connexions Advisor. All Year 11 students have individual interviews with members of the Senior Leadership Team in January to discuss their plans for Post-16.

Year 11 students develop their work-based skills within the Skills for Life Curriculum. They use the Unifrog website to research their Post-16 options and develop their personal marketing skills through CV writing and through a soft skill audit. They are also informed through a dedicated POst 16 pathway assembly in the Autumn Term. Open Days and Open Evenings for local colleges and schools are displayed within the form notice board and students have a copy to take home.

Parents can also make appointments with the Connexions Advisor at Year 11 Parents' Evening, and the Connexions Advisor is present at Post-16 Careers Information Evening, Post-16 Information Evening and Exam Results day.

Year 12

As the vast majority of our students intend to study at university after the completion of their A-Levels, throughout Year 12 much attention and focus is placed upon UCAS applications to ensure students select the right course and universities to apply to in Year 13. From the beginning of Year 12, we engage with higher education providers who visit school to speak to students about university life, how to make the most of Year 12 and how to select the right course for them. That said, not all wish to apply to university and we are keen to, and active in, introducing students to the many options available Post-18, whether that be apprenticeships or the world of work. 

In recent years, talks and interactive sessions have been run by a wide range of Russell Group universities that can focus on specific university courses, or on the development of wider study and employment skills vital for success at A-Level and beyond. In addition, a number of apprenticeship providers and representatives from a variety of employers have also spoken to students in the areas of, for example, engineering, law and accountancy. 

In addition, all students are given the opportunity to attend the Manchester Higher Education Exhibition, organised by UCAS, to explore a wide range of academic and career opportunities in March of Year 12. To encourage students to select the right universities for them, we also allow every student to attend two university open days per term in Year 12 and Year 13 and potential Oxbridge candidates can attend the annual Oxbridge Conference in March. Should a student require a Connexions appointment, the Head of Progress and Learning for Year 12 will always make the necessary arrangements in school to secure a one-to-one meeting with our Careers Adviser.

In June, all Year 12 Students take part in our 'UCAS Day', when students begin their formal UCAS journey. Interactive seminars focus on how to write an effective UCAS Personal Statement and the nuts and bolts of how to log on and complete UCAS Apply. This is then followed up with a UCAS Information Evening for Year 12 Parents, so that all are aware of the process we follow as a school and the information and advice students have been given.

Year 13

In the Autumn Term, every Year 13 Student will have a UCAS Triage Appointment with Mrs Heathcliffe, Sixth Form Administrator and second meeting with Miss Mattox, Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form) to discuss their UCAS application, course and university choices and Personal Statement to ensure all applications are competitive and carefully considered.

Early applicants are encouraged to arrange mock interviews with a wide range of pastoral and subject staff to help prepare them for the application process. During this term, Year 13 Students are offered a wealth of support from their Form Tutor, Head of Progress and Learning and Head of Sixth Form and the fortnightly Form Period acts as a vital part of this, with Form Staff offering individual support with Personal Statement writing and Post-18 decisions.

Those choosing not to apply to university are given individual support and guidance by the Sixth Form Pastoral team and we aim to continue to provide students with a range of additional apprenticeship and work opportunities so that informed choices are made by all.
The Sixth Form Pastoral Team is also on hand both on and after A-Level Results Day to provide additional support for students to ensure the successful transition from A-Level to Post-18.