
Online Safety

Keeping Safe Online

We know that being online is an integral part of our lives and opens up so many positive experiences for us all including educational opportunities, social opportunities, and other positive experiences to discover new information.

Online safety is part of safeguarding and as such we take seriously our responsibility to get this right at Sale Grammar School. Whilst at school, we have systems that filter what students can and cannot access across the internet and through their school email. We also monitor their use of IT when in classrooms and in Sixth Form study spaces where they have been encouraged to bring their own devices. All students know that mobiles phones should not be seen or used on site and that the reasoning behind this is to aid both focus on teaching and learning as well as enabling all members of the community to have a break from being online. 

We teach all students about the importance of online safety through a range of different means including lessons, our skills for life curriculum, safeguarding assemblies and consistent form times resources. We do remind students, parents/ carers and staff that even with effective education and with filtering and monitoring in place, the internet can never be 100%. However, where challenges are met or things go wrong, as a school we will learn from it and look to improve. We are open with students so they know that we will look for teachable moments, support with additional training where appropriate and manage any consequences in line with our policies.

We also acknowledge that technology changes at such a fast pace that it can be difficult for us all to keep up to date with the online world. New technologies will have many benefits but to make sure that we support our students in understanding how to keep safe online, we know that this will only be successful if done in partnership with home. We highlight training opportunities, linked Parent Forum's and Information Evenings through the safeguarding sections of our fortnightly newsletters and half termly newsletters as well as sharing general advice for students and their parents/carers below.

  • Talk about sites, games and apps being used and make sure you understand what they are
  • Only post appropriate content or photos
  • Check security settings are private
  • Only communicate with people they know in the ‘real world’
  • Agree how much time to spend online and adhere to this
  • Speak to a parents/carer or staff member at school if you are worried about anything
  • Set up safe settings with your internet service provider and content filters on devices.
  • Talk to someone if you think you are using the internet or your mobile phone too much.

We have prepared a series of informative information leaflets and links so that you can be supported in your conversations at home. These can be found in the drop down menu within this section.

However, if you think someone isn’t being safe using the internet, then we ask that you speak to your child's Head of Progress and Learning and we will be able to offer the necessary support.

In addition to this, do remember that if you have serious concerns, you should report these to the police and can do so by following this link:


Other resources include:

The NSPCC has a section devoted to social media sites that your child might be using eg Snapchat or Instagram and provides you with further information on these.