

Through our Language curriculum in Sale Grammar, we aim to develop a lifelong love of another language, an understanding of different cultures and the confidence to be able to contribute and communicate in the future, within a different language. Whilst consolidating reading and writing skills, we emphasise the importance of cultural insight, always reinforcing a positive Frenchattitude to language learning and to other cultural perspectives. We want our students to use and experience Spanishauthentic language in practical situations and as a result of this, we use a variety of approaches to develop language skills, including new technologies to enhance our delivery of the curriculum, all of which are aimed at improving confidence and competence within the language. We encourage our students to take part in our extra-curricular opportunities as well as enriching the whole school experience of languages by becoming a Language Student Leader.   

The Spanish department embraces diversity and a respectful, global vision, enhancing the lives of all our students. We aim to develop enthusiastic, inquisitive and independent learners who thrive in this challenging subject. Linguists are problem solvers, and we aim to develop our students so that they are able to think quickly and laterally in order to communicate successfully and confidently. As one of the most sought-after skills in employment, Spanish at Sale Grammar School will equip students with some of the core transferable components to be effective communicators.

Our aim in MFL is for the students to:

  • Develop their ability to communicate confidently and coherently in speech and writing, conveying what they want to say with increasing accuracy
  • Express and develop thoughts and ideas spontaneously and fluently
  • Listen to and understand clearly articulated, standard speech at near normal speed
  • Deepen their knowledge about how language works and enrich their vocabulary in order for them to increase their independent use and understanding of extended language in a wide range of contexts
  • Acquire new knowledge, skills and ways of thinking through the ability to understand and respond to a rich range of authentic spoken and written material, adapted and abridged, as appropriate, including literary texts
  • Develop awareness and understanding of the culture and identity of the countries and communities where the language is spoken
  • Be encouraged to make appropriate links to other areas of the curriculum to enable bilingual and deeper learning, where the language may become a medium for constructing and applying knowledge
  • Develop language learning skills both for immediate use and to prepare them for further language study and use in school, higher education or in employment
  • To provide first-hand experience of foreign language and culture via trips and use
  • To use constantly TL in lessonsSpanish Learning Journey

MFL context and purpose at KS3

Teaching should focus on developing the breadth and depth of pupils’ competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing, based on a sound foundation of core grammar and vocabulary. It should enable pupils to understand and communicate personal and factual information that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests, developing and justifying points of view in speech and writing, with increased spontaneity, independence and accuracy. It provides suitable preparation for further study.

Pupils should be taught to:

  • Implement grammar and vocabulary in their lessons
  • Identify and use tenses or other structures which convey the present, past, and future as appropriate to the language being studied
  • Use and manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns, including voices and moods, as appropriate
  • Develop and use a wide-ranging and deepening vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests, allowing them to give and justify opinions and take part in discussion about wider issues
  • Use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation. Linguistic competence
  • Listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to obtain information and respond appropriately transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy
  • Initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, making use of important social conventions such as formal modes of address
  • Express and develop ideas clearly and with increasing accuracy, both orally and in writing speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation read and show comprehension of original and adapted materials from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details, and provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material
  • Read literary texts in the language [such as stories, songs, poems and letters], to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture languages.

MFL context and purpose at GCSE

  • GCSE specifications will require students to understand and use language across a range of contexts, appropriate to their age, interests and maturity levels
  •  Students will be expected to use language for a variety of purposes and with a variety of different audiences, including for personal, academic and employment related use
  • Students will make use of appropriate social conventions, including informal and formal address and register, as relevant to the task and languagePicture1 studied
  •  Students will be expected to understand different types of spoken language, including recorded input from one or more speakers in public and social settings and recorded material from authentic sources and the media, appropriate to this level
  • Students will be expected to understand different types of written language, including relevant personal communication, public information, factual and literary texts, appropriate to this level
  • Language contexts will be organised in a specified number of broad themes, addressing relevant matters relating to:

Theme 1: People and lifestyle 

Topic 1: Identify and relationships with others

Topic 2: Healthy living and lifestyle 

Topic 3: Education and work

Theme 2: Popular culture

Topic 1: Free-time activities

Topic 2: Customs, festivals and celebrations

Topic 3: Celebrity culture

Theme 3: Communication and the world around us 

Topic 1: Travel and tourism, including places of interest 

Topic 2: Media and technology 

Topic 3: The environment and where people live.

  • Literary texts can include extracts and excerpts, adapted and abridged as appropriate, from poems, letters, short stories, essays, novels or plays from contemporary and historical sources, subject to copyright 4
  • The content, contexts and purposes of a GCSE specification in a modern foreign language will provide an appropriate foundation for A level study and a suitable preparation for higher education or employment.

MFL context and purpose at KS5

The study of a modern language is understood to be an interdisciplinary subject offering the same cognitive and academic advantages as other disciplines. In addition to high level practical language skills, the content of  A level in modern languages provides depth of knowledge, understanding and intercultural competence and fosters a range of transferable skills such as communication skills, critical thinking, autonomy, resourcefulness, creativity, and linguistic, cultural and cognitive flexibility; all of which are of value to the individual, to wider society, to higher education and to employers. The content has been designed to be of relevance to students of all disciplines, whether they intend to progress to further study in the subject or not. 

Our aim is to ensure that all students:

  • Enhance their linguistic skills and promote and develop their capacity for critical thinking on the basis of their knowledge and understanding of the language, culture and society of the country or countries where the language is spoken 
  • Develop control of the language to convey meaning, using spoken and written skills, including an extended range of vocabulary, for both practical and intellectual purposes as increasingly confident, accurate and independent users of the language Picture2
  • Develop their ability to interact effectively with users of the language in speech, listening, reading and writing, including through online media
  • Develop language learning skills and strategies, including communication strategies to sustain communication and build fluency and confidence through critical and analytical thinking
  • Engage critically with intellectually stimulating texts, films and other materials in the original language, developing an appreciation of sophisticated and creative uses of the language and understanding them within their cultural and social context 
  • Develop as independent researchers when working on their Individual Research Project (IRP) 
  • Are prepared with the knowledge and transferrable skills to enable them to succeed beyond A Level MFL 

Job Opportunities 

Job opportunities for competent linguists are numerous and diverse. From website designing to interpreting and from teaching to MI6 operations, engineering, global businesses - and those with global aspirations - think very highly of foreign language speakers and are prepared to pay for them accordingly. On average, MFL graduates earn 8% more than anyone else whilst often travelling the world.

Students were challenged to cook traditional Spanish food  Students

MFL Staff

Mrs S. Lancake: Head of Spanish

Mrs M. Rodriguez Sanchez : Teacher of Spanish

Ms E. Shaw: Teacher of Spanish

Mrs K. Cooper: Teacher of French

Ms Z. Robb: Teacher of French

Mrs E. Stephenson: Head of French

There are 6 full time members of staff and one part time all of whom are subject specialists. We also employ Foreign Language Assistants to work with students in small groups to practise their speaking and listening skills. We have an ITT Mentor

The MFL Faculty is well equipped, with six classrooms and a dedicated ICT suite.

In our area, there is a small French & Spanish library. MFL teachers regularly use the Lang Lab to enliven their lessons and to practise listening skills and a variety of languages software.

MFL Successes

Throughout the year, the MFL Faculty participates in a variety of national and regional competitions. We have been national winners a few times of the Spelling Bee and also our Spanish and French Sixth Formers participate in the Sheffield University Translation Competition in which we have won on 2 occasions. Mother Tongue other Tongue is another successful prize that we have managed to secure a few times with students’ poems published in books.

Students in Y7, prepare a Spanish & French Christmas carol to be perform in the school Christmas concert.

We have many students who have gone onto study languages at Cambridge and Oxford Universities.

SEND Support 

MFL staff work hard to ensure that pupils of all abilities are encourage to do well and we do not disqualify any students from languages. Where extra help is needed, a variety of additional support is provided: we enlarge worksheets, provide worksheets in specific colours for dyslexia or colour-blind students.

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Key Stage 3 Learning Objectives French

Year 7 French 


Knowledge & Skills

Module 1:


meeting and greeting people, formally and informally

name, age, birthday – self and other, ask as well as respond

months, days and dates

classroom instructions and questions

the alphabet


Asking and responding to questions using Comment?  Quel?  Quand?

Introduction to verbs in the 1st and 2nd person singular.

Introduction to Qu/Ans patterns 2→1

Numbers →31

Introduction to grapheme/ phoneme links: oi (toi, mademoiselle)

silent s,  qu = k, ier,

Possessive adjective mon/ton

Introduction to informal register



Strategies for memorising/learning

To use French in the classroom

Module 2: En Classe

Classroom objects

Working in the classroom

Requesting, and responding to requests


Classroom instructions and questions

Games: le pendu; O & X’s; pelmanism, Kim’s game; bingo; Je suis allé(e) au marché; la pomme empoisonnée, dictionary challenge

Classroom objects

Working in the classroom

Nouns:  gender and number

Indefinite article

Adjective agreement and position

Yes/No questions – asking and responding

Informal with teeny intro to formal register

Avoir (1st/2nd person singular) and Il y a

Negatives: ne…pas

Strategies for memorising vocabulary

Using a dictionary  i) to find gender; ii) to look up unfamiliar words, iii) to extend own vocabulary.

Grapheme/phoneme links: un/une, silent ‘t’, u , è, ‘y’, ‘ai’ , ‘eur’, ‘ou’, able, qu = k

Accents é, è

Liaisons les étudiants/étudiantes

Asking and responding to questions using  C’est/Ce sont de quelle couleur?  Combien de?

Use and respond to French in the classroom

Numbers up to 50

Reinforce social skills: s’il te/vous plaît/merci/de rien/désolé(e)/je m’excuse

Develop visual/aural memory

Use questions to initiate and develop conversation

C’est/Ce sont

Introduction to talking about someone else  Expo 1 page 117 Lire 1b Il a/Elle a

Module 3: J’ai

Other people

Describing self, family & pets.

Talking about self; talking about others.

Question/answer patterns: 3 → 3; 2 → 1

Asking questions

Singular and plural nouns


Adjectives: agreement and position.

Indefinite article and its omission.

Negative: ne … pas

Il/Elle est Ils/Elles sont to describe and identify

Use of ‘et’ and ‘mais’

Possessive adjectives mon/ma/mes; ton/ta/tes; son/sa/ses.

Avoir/Être  – singular, present tense

Strategies for memorising

Grapheme/phoneme links: ar: (parents) ère:(père, mere) œr:

Using a dictionary I) to find gender; ii) to look up unfamiliar words; iii) to extend own vocabulary.

Develop visual/aural memory

Use questions to initiate and develop conversation.

Intensifiers: très; assez; un peu

Module 4: Je suis

Other people

Describing self and family

Nationality and country of origin

Talking about self; talking about others.

Question/answer patterns 3→ 2; 2→1

Asking and responding to questions

Adjectives of nationality

Adjectives: agreement and position

Negative: ne … pas ;ne… ni….ni

être – present tense       venir – present

Use of être to describe and identify

Strategies for memorising

Use questions to initiate and develop conversation

Intensifiers; très; assez; un peu

Countries where French is spoken

European countries

Interrogatives; d’où; quoi; quelle?

Correct use of capital letters for countries/nationalities

Grapheme/phoneme ais (français; anglais;) ien (italien etc) gn(Allemagne, etc)

Use of pattern & cognates

Module 5: Les loisirs



Interests & hobbies



Ask and understand questions about interests and leisure activities

Express likes and dislikes, combining aimer with a/noun or an infinitive.

Frequency and sequence

Definite article

The infinitive

Negatives: ne …pas ; ne …jamais

Je fais/Je joue    Je joue au/je joue du

1st person singular, present tense

Using a dictionary i) to find infinitives, ii) to find information about the infinitive – to begin to use verb tables.

de & definite article: du/des  à + def article au(x)

Developing ideas

Noun endings & Gender

Giving reasons

Year 8 French 



Knowledge & Skills

Module 6: L’Ecole


Daily routine in school.

Leisure activities





Expressing opinions and giving reasons.

Telling the time.

Asking and responding to questions using A quelle heure? Quelle? Qu’est-ce que? Pourquoi?

Negatives: ne … pas

Question/ Answer patterns

Er verbs, present tense.


Definite Article – plurals

opinion vocab j’aime etc

Grapheme phoneme link ique; ais; th;

Time phrases

Frequency & sequencing

Use a dictionary to extend personal vocabulary.

Module 7: A table

Food and drink

Likes, dislikes and preferences

Following and preparing recipes

Buying food

Bars and restaurants

(Christmas Food)


Health and Lifestyle


Time phrases: frequency

Expressions of quantity

Disjunctive pronouns: Pour moi, etc

Likes, dislikes and preferences

Large numbers for weights and prices


Il faut; je dois

Immediate future

Je voudrais

plus de and moins de+ noun


Impersonal expressions: C’est important, etc

Present tense

Question/answer patterns

Using nouns as adjectives: jus d’orange; un sandwich au fromage

ie ending for shops; application of pattern

Generic characteristics of recipes and menus

Giving instructions: imperatives; infinitives; devoir;il faut; il est necessaire de …)

The partitive article with food

Social skills through language.

Cultural differences in food and eating habits.

Appropriate use of dictionary/glossary

Strategies for dealing with the unknown and the unexpected.

Module 8: La maison

Description of homes: location; rooms; furniture


Daily activities

Mealtimes and food


Ordinal numbers

Prepositions for precise location

Present tense: 1st person plural

Definite and indefinite articles – correct use

Agreement and position of adjectives

Il (n’)y a (pas) (de)

Adjectives and prepositions to develop description

Using a glossary/dictionary

Contractions with def art

Possessive adjective: notre

Nouns – gender and plurals

Negative: ne … pas, ne …jamais

Sequence and frequency


Possession: de

Introduction to the partitive article with food

Re-using and adapting previously learnt language

Using a dictionary to extend vocabulary

Module 9: On fait des projets

Leisure and entertainment

Activities with friends and family

Weather and seasons



apply knowledge of verb paradigms

substitute words and phrases from memory

use cognates to aid understanding

strategies for dealing with the unfamiliar

identify ways to learn rules

use more detail – developing longer sentences

read for information

adapt language

state preferences and give reasons

make notes and use reference materials

modal verbs, pouvoir, vouloir, devoir

immediate future, including negative and interrogative use

sequence and frequency

describing the weather

present time v future time

verb categories

the infinitive

verbs in the dictionary

question/answer patterns

social skills

working with language patterns

linking finite verbs to an infinitive (ext)

strategies for coping with the unexpected

Module 10: Ma journeé

Daily routine

House chores




Reflexive verbs. Present tense.

Appropriate use of time phrases.

Asking and responding.


Interrogatives: Quand? A quelle heure? Où?

Apply knowledge of verb paradigms.

Substitute words and phrases from memory.

Express simple opinions.

Express simple reasons.

Strategies for memorizing.

Use verb tables for support as appropriate.

Recognise the infinitive of a reflexive verb.

Adapt previously learnt language.

Understand and use language from longer texts.

Use detail to extend sentences.

Use reference materials appropriately.

Il faut / devoirto express obligation

Infinitive construction after devoir

Infinitive construction with a reflexive verb – 1st singular only

Year 9 French 



Knowledge & Skills

Module 4.1: Me, my family and friends


Family members

Physical Appearance

Character & Personality

Formation of Regular, Irregular & Reflexive verbs, Present & Imperfect.

Using verb tables to support accuracy

Use of the Imperfect tense to communicate ‘used to’

Use être with adjectives

Regular & irregular adjectives

Intensifiers with an adjectives

Possessive adjectives

Module 4.2: Travel & Tourism

Types of holiday/trip, destinations, holiday activities, opinions, preferences, advantages/disadvantages, booking accommodation and transport

Formation of Regular, Irregular & Reflexive verbs, Perfect and Imperfect

Using verb tables to support accuracy

Sequencing words, expressions and phrases

Weather expressions with ‘faire’

Complex Opinion markers

Complex reasons


Module 4.3: Future Plans & Ambitions

Career choices, education, marriages, children, plans, ideal jobs and reasons for choices.      

regular verbs: aimer (conditional/simple future)

irregular verbs: être/avoir (immediate future, simple future, conditional)

devenir (simple future and immediate future)

vouloir (conditional) positive and negative constructions

using verb tables:  simple future and conditional

Finite verbs + infinitive constructions 

Module 4.15: Festivals in France and French speaking countries


French life & routines.

Local customs.

Festivals in France and French speaking countries.

Revision Perfect & Imperfect tenses of Regular & Irregular verbs.

Effective use of verb tables to ensure accuracy.

Revision of time phrases in the Past.

Revision of numbers.

Understand and communicate gist and detail in longer accounts.

Key Stage 3 Learning Objectives Spanish

Year 7 Spanish 



Knowledge & Skills

Module 1: Hola

meeting and greeting people, formally and informally

name, age, birthday – self and other, ask as well as respond

months, days and dates

classroom instructions and questions

the alphabet


Asking and responding to questions using ¿Cómo? ¿Qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Cuántos?

Introduction to verbs in the three singular forms.

Introduction to Qu/Ans patterns 2→1/3→3

Numbers →31

Introduction to grapheme/ phoneme links: h + vowel (hola, hasta, hay) consonant + u + vowel (cuanto, cuantos, buenos, muy, luego cuatro) j (junio julio, jueves) z (diez, marzo)

Possessive adjective mi/tu/su

Introduction to formal / informal register

The differences between talking about oneself and talking about others

Punctuation: ¿ ¡, and accents

Introduction to the negative no


Strategies for memorising /learning

Using Spanish in the classroom

Module 2: En Clase

Classroom objects

Working in the classroom

Requesting, and responding to requests


Classroom instructions and questions

Games: el Ahorcado; O & X’s; pelmanism, Kim’s game; picture bingo; Fui al Mercado; Escribe una lista; Happy Families etc.


Nouns: gender and number

Indefinite article

Adjective agreement and position

Yes/No questions – asking and responding

Formal and informal register

Tener (present singular paradigm) and hay

Negatives: no and nada

Strategies for memorising vocabulary

Using a dictionary i) to find gender; ii) to look up unfamiliar words, iii) to extend own vocabulary.

Grapheme/phoneme links: v [nueve, diecinueve, veinte]; ñ [mañana, años, castaño]

Asking and responding to questions using ¿De qué color es/son? ¿Cuántos?

Use and respond to Spanish in the classroom

Numbers up to 50

Reinforce social skills: por favor/gracias/de nada/lo siento

Develop visual/aural memory

Use questions to initiate and develop conversation


Module 3: Tengo

Other people

Describing self, family & pets.

ï Talking about self; talking about others.

Question/answer patterns: 3 → 3; 2 → 1

Asking questions

Singular and plural nouns


Adjectives: agreement and position.

Indefinite article and its omission.

Negative: no

Es/Son to describe and identify

Use of ‘y’ and ‘pero’

Possessive adjectives mi/mis; tu/tus; su/sus.

Tener – singular, present tense

Strategies for memorising

Grapheme/phoneme links: que/qué [qu is ALWAYS k, never kw: ¿qué tal; pequeño]

rr (pelirrojo; perro)

Using a dictionary I) to find gender; ii) to look up unfamiliar words; iii) to extend own vocabulary.

Develop visual/aural memory

Use questions to initiate and develop conversation.

Intensifiers: muy; bastante; algo

Module 4: Soy

Other people

Describing self and family

Nationality and country of origin

Talking about self; talking about others.

Question/answer patterns 3→ 2; 2→1

Asking and responding to questions

Adjectives of nationality

Adjectives: agreement and position

Negative: no; ni….ni

Ser – present tense

Use of ser to describe and identify

Strategies for memorising

Use questions to initiate and develop conversation

 Intensifiers; muy; bastante; algo

Countries where Spanish is spoken

European countries

Interrogatives; ¿De dónde; Cuál; Cómo?

Correct use of capital letters for countries/nationalities

Grapheme/phoneme ia (Alemania; Austria; Francia; etc)

Use of pattern & cognates

Module 5:

El ocio



Interests & hobbies



Ask and understand questions about interests and leisure activities

Express likes and dislikes, combing gustar with a/noun or an infinitive.

Frequency and sequence

Definite article

The infinitive

Negatives: no; nunca

Practico/juego Juego/toco

1st person singular, present tense

Using a dictionary I) to find infinitives ii) to find information about the infinitive – to begin to use verb tables.

a & definite article: al

Developing ideas

Noun endings & Gender

Giving reasons

Omission of Subject Pronouns

Year 8 Spanish



Knowledge & Skills

Module 6: El insti


Daily routine in school.

Leisure activities



Expressing opinions and giving reasons.

Telling the time.

Asking and responding to questions using ¿A qué hora? ¿Qué? ¿Cómo?

Negatives: no

Question/ Answer patterns

Singular Forms of AR verbs, present tense.


Definite Article – plurals

Gustar – singular & plural

Grapheme phoneme link ía (biología; geografía; tecnología)

Time phrases

‘De’ & definite article: del

Frequency & sequencing

Use a dictionary to extend personal vocabulary.

Module 7: A comer

Food and drink

Likes, dislikes and preferences

Following and preparing recipes

Buying food

Bars and restaurants

(Christmas Food)


Health and Lifestyle

Likes, dislikes and preferences

Large numbers for weights and prices


Hay que; tener que

Suelo + infinitive

Immediate future


Más and menos + noun


Impersonal expressions: es importante, etc

Present tense

Question/answer patterns

Using nouns as adjectives: zumo de naranja; bocadillo de queso

ia ending for shops; application of pattern

Generic characteristics of recipes and menus

Giving instructions: imperatives; infinitives; deber; tener que; hay que; es necesario…)

Social skills through language.

Cultural differences in food and eating habits.

Appropriate use of dictionary/glossary

Module 8: En casa

Description of homes: location; rooms; furniture


Daily activities

Mealtimes and food


Ordinal numbers

Prepositions for precise location

Present tense

Definite and indefinite articles – correct use

Agreement and position of adjectives

Ser and estar


Adjectives and prepositions to develop description

Using a glossary/dictionary

Contractions with def art

Possessive adjective: nuestro

Nouns – gender and plurals

Negative: no, nunca

Sequence and frequency


Possession: de

Re-using and adapting previously learnt language

Using a dictionary to extend vocabulary

Using Verb tables

Module 9: Haciendo planes

Leisure and entertainment

Activities with friends and family

Weather and seasons



apply knowledge of verb paradigms

substitute words and phrases from memory

use cognates to aid understanding

strategies for dealing with the unfamiliar

identify ways to learn rules

use more detail – developing longer sentences

read for information

adapt language

state preferences and give reasons

make notes and use reference materials

modal verbs, poder, querer, tener que

immediate future, including negative and interrogative use

sequence and frequency

describing the weather

present time v future time

verb categories

the infinitive

verbs in the dictionary

question/answer patterns

social skills

working with language patterns

linking finite verbs to an infinitive (ext)

strategies for coping with the unexpected

Module 10:

Rutina Diaria

Daily routine

House chores



Reflexive verbs. Present tense.

Appropriate use of time phrases.

Asking and responding.


Interrogatives: ¿Cuándo? ¿A qué hora? ¿Dónde?

Apply knowledge of verb paradigms.

Substitute words and phrases from memory.

Express simple opinions.

Express simple reasons.

Strategies for memorizing.

Use verb tables for support as appropriate.

Recognise the infinitive of a reflexive verb.

Adapt previously learnt language.

Understand and use language from longer texts.

Use detail to extend sentences.

Use reference materials appropriately.

Tener que to express obligation

Infinitive construction after tener que

Infinitive construction with a reflexive verb – 1st singular only

Year 9 Spanish 



Knowledge & Skills

Module 4.1: Me, my family and friends


Family members

Physical Appearance

Character & Personality

Formation of Regular, Irregular & Reflexive verbs, Present & Imperfect.

Verb tables to support accuracy

The Imperfect tense to communicate ‘used to’

ser & estar with adjectives

Regular & irregular adjectives

Intensifiers with an adjective

Possessive adjectives - short form

Module 4.2: Travel & Tourism

Types of holiday/ trip, destinations, holiday activities, opinions, preferences, advantages/disadvantages of certain types of holidays

Formation of Regular, Irregular & Reflexive verbs, Perfect and Imperfect

Use of the Imperfect tense to describe places

Using verb tables to support accuracy

Sequencing words, expressions and phrases

Weather expressions with ‘hace’

Complex Opinion markers

Complex reasons


Module 4.3

Future Plans & Ambitions

Career choices, further and higher education, marriages, children, plans, ideal jobs and reasons for choices.      

Formation of regular verbs, Future & Conditional

Formation of irregular verbs, Future & Conditional [poner; valer; venir; tener; salir; poder; saber; querer; hacer; decir; + habrá & habría]

Use verb tables effectively to ensure accuracy

Infinitive constructions [ TAG + INFINITIVE ]

Understand and explain reasons for choices

Module 4.15

Festival in Spain and the Hispanic countries

Spanish life & routines.

Local customs.

Festivals in Spain and Hispanic speaking countries.

Revision Preterite & Imperfect tenses of Regular & Irregular verbs.

Effective use of verb tables to ensure accuracy.

Revision of time phrases in the Past.

Formation of the Perfect Tense.

Revision of numbers.

Understand and communicate gist and detail in longer accounts.

Key Stage 4 Learning Objectives

Exam Board


Assessed by

Written examinations

Non-examination assessment - Oral examination



In the two years remaining prior to the GCSE examination we hope that students will continue to develop their competence as language users in a wide variety of contexts and situations, and that they will acquire skills which will serve them well beyond the classroom. The course builds on work done in Key Stage 3, and students are consistently encouraged to use more complex structures and a wider variety of tenses. All four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing - are equally emphasised at all stages. Students will gain confidence in using the spoken language and the fluency and accuracy of their written work will improve. Much reading and listening is based on authentic texts so as to foster genuine skills.

Homework is an integral part of the course and the manner of its completion is an important indicator of a student’s commitment and attainment.

By the end of Year 10 it is expected that most students will cope successfully with Foundation-tier papers and be prepared to attempt some Higher-tier tasks, even though these may still seem challenging.

In Year 11 the remaining specification topics are covered and students are increasingly afforded opportunities to practise their skills under examination conditions.

Learning a language is a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it is also hard work. Successful students need to be committed and willing to work, both in lesson time and at home.


Key Stage 5 Learning Objectives

10 top reasons to learn another language 

  1. You don't just learn the subject; you fall in love with it. 
  2. English is not enough! The world has become a much smaller place. Its really important that you learn to speak and understand other people no matter where they are from. 
  3. You can travel all over the world and feel like a true local. 
  4. Languages are the perfect way to meet new people, immerse yourself in new cultures and make a difference to who you are. 
  5. Speaking another language really makes you stand out from the crowd and you'll be able to work anywhere in the world. 
  6. Learning a foreign language can help you understand your own language. 
  7. you develop four key skills that are vital for any learning; listening, reading, speaking and writing. 
  8. you have tons of fun learning about a wide range of topics. 
  9. They're good for you! speaking more than one language increases your brain capacity and you have better memory too. 
  10. It's an impressive achievement to speak a foreign language - one your friends and family will envy and employers will love!

Studying Modern Foreign Languages at SGS

Both languages follow the AQA specification which is well established and well regarded. 

AS Spanish and French 

In year 12 you will study highlights of artistic culture, which may include regional identity, music, cinema and the cultural heritage of past civilisations.  You will study a text or a film.  You will develop your language skills in the context of French and Spanish speaking communities and countries, and the issues and influences which have shaped them.  You will study technological and social change. 

As topics in Spanish and French: 

  • ASPECTS OF SOCIETY: e.g Family: cyberspace; Voluntary work; Equal rights; Modern and Traditional Values. 
  • ARTISTIC CULTURE:  Culture Heritage; Modern day idols; Contemporary music and cinema; Regional Identity. 

A Level Spanish and French 

You will prepare for three examinations at the end of Year 13, one oral and two written.  The A-Level examinations will include the topics studied in year 12.  You will study a text and a film, and you will complete an individual Research Project. 

A-Level topics in Spanish and French: 

  • ASPECTS OF SOCIETY (2):  A Diverse Society - Integration, immigration and Racism; Life for the Marginalised; The Treatment of Criminals. 
  • POLITICAL LIFE: Young People and Politics; Popular Movements and Protests: Monarchies, Republics and Dictatorships. 

Successful Language Students are: 

  • Exceptionally motivated, hardworking and well organised. 
  • Interested in the country and people whose language they study. 
  • Welcome the challenge of thinking for themselves and formulating opinions through reading and discussion. 
  • Willing to play an active part in lessons conducted in Spanish or French 
  • Committed to spending time in Spain or France 

Language learning is hugely rewarding, but it demands commitment,  determination and consistent application.  If you embark on this course of study,  you  should be willing to invest heavily in your own success. 

Our Students Say: 

"The language learning community is an incredible team to be a part of"  Freya Tewnion 13M

"Learning a language at this school is especially fulfilling due to the enthusiastic and supportive staff" Evie Smith 13G

" A language is one of the most useful A-Levels you can have.  Be prepared for hard work, but work that will be rewarding" Sara Inacio 13M 

"It's very useful subject, especially if you want to travel"  Rachel Gleave 13G