
Exam Results 2022


We are incredibly proud of our Year 11 students who have collected their GCSE Results today. Despite the disruptions which the last few years have brought them, they have continued to approach their learning with determination and have been rewarded with excellent results. It has been wonderful to see our students celebrating with their families, friends and staff, and to listen to the positive difference which their support has made. 

With 80% of all papers achieving a Grade 7-9, our students have done incredibly well and can move to the next stage of their education with a real confidence in their knowledge and understanding across a range of subject areas. In addition to this, our Year 11 students have also shown a real commitment to our school, not only through their contributions to clubs and societies, but also through areas such as the Peer Mentoring scheme which they have been pioneers in.  

We very much look forward to welcoming students back into our sixth form and to all our Year 11 students, we wish them a happy and successful future.

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We are delighted to celebrate the outstanding A Level results of our class of 2022. Our students' examination entries saw an incredible 87% of all examinations graded at A* - B with 67% of papers being awarded an A*/A grade. Staff, students and their families were delighted with their results. 

Mrs Smith

Total Overall Percentages 

Grade A* A B C D E
% 34 33 20 9 3 1


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